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Active ALPA Photographer

Eru Narayana, June 2023


"my ALPA camera is the extension of my heart" - 7000 kilometers - the vision of strength and hope emerges from destruction

June 17, 2023
Eru Narayana, June 2023
Active ALPA Photographer

It was a true inner call that made Eru Narayana to start his 7’000 kilometers trek across the forests of Canada.   A journey that started in the fall of 2019 and progressed over time in absolute solitude.

During these walks, time and time again, he encountered massive destruction of the forests, that being the consequence of industrial logging. Scars of endless size, as if mankind is willingly destroying our source of life.

"…trees make life possible"

© Eru Narayana

These landscapes became the creative source for expressive - yet partly abstract arts of photography. Photographs that had not been made by the eye screening the surroundings through the camera's viewfinder but had been made from the perspective of one’s heart. That is when in silent moments Eru Narayana’s heart merged with his ALPA camera:

"...I raise my camera to my heart                                                
and I make art"

© Eru Narayana

From destruction has emerged hope and life hence Eru Narayana has initiated a project to form a Transnational Animal Sanctuary for the purpose of saving forests and animals from the resulting loss of habitat.

His photographs are only printed once and never again for collectors, and a portion of proceeds is directed to acquiring forestland for the purpose of making it a protected area. Be a part of it too.

© Eru Narayana

“….my ALPA is a part of me - and will always be.                                                
I hold it close to my heart.”

Eru Narayana is a father of five children, a European born artist, philantropist, and scientist, living in Canada

© Eru Narayana

ALPA Academy Masterclass workshop “on photography”

ALPA Accademy masterclasses with Eru Narayana are titled: “On Photography” and focus on the following questions: What is it about this moment when something catches the photographer’s corner of the eye and makes them raise a camera? What makes the heart/mind align with the eye at a certain moment?

The ALPA Academy masterclass workshop is offered on an individualised basis of up to four people, over two days.

more about ALPA Masterclass with Eru Narayana                                              

© Eru Narayana