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ALPA Award 2018 wird in der Financial Times vorgestellt


Grosse Resonanz für den neu gegründeten Award und für die photo basel 2018.

18. Juni 2018
ALPA Award 2018 wird in der Financial Times vorgestellt
ALPA Presseberichterstattung

Last sunday 17th of June was the last day of photo basel 2018. A week full of photography, art, conversations and networking. ALPA is proud to have presented the first ALPA Award to Yoko Ikeda, Japan. She says about her work: "For me photography is neither a way to record, nor a method of explanation of either things or phenomena.Photography is a form of experimentation to create a new world through the lens while consciously working with the ambiguity of visual sensation, as well as colours, composition, and fluctuations of perspective."The ALPA Award and photo basel got a lot of press coverage, below you find an excerpt from the Financal Times, June 14, 2018.

Financial Times

Read the full story here